Presentation Day – Summer 2022

Presentation Day for Summer 21-2022 was a resounding success! Yes it was a little cold, and yes rain threatened, but it couldn’t dampen the spirits of all the players and their families who came out to celebrate with all the winners.  It was lovely to gather together for our Presenation awards, after the last two years of Covid impacting our ability to present in person. Each Coach used their allocated time to reflect on their season and thank their players and their parents.  The MVP and Eric awards that are handed out are for two special members, but it is the whole team that plays each week and even though all players do not receive a trophy, their efforts each week are not ignored are indeed valued.  It certainly looked like all the children enjoyed the ice-cream and lollies afterwards!   Well done to the Coaches and Team Managers – this season, we were very fortunate to have 17 of our 24 teams make the Semi-Finals, and out of those, 5 made the Grand Final.  Congratulations to all! Also on Sunday, our President, Dominic Kinsella made a presentation to the outgoing Secretary, Gio Stevenson, for her amazing efforts over the past 8 years.  As Dominic said, Montrose Vikings would not be where it is today if it wasn’t for Gio.  Gio has filled many, many roles for the club, and her dedication cannot be ignored. Well done on a well deserved break Gio! Thank you. Well done to the committee members, especially, Brooke Mealor & Tessa Dempster, who arranged the presentation trophies, the easter baskets for the raffle,  the lolly bags and ice-cream truck and the flowers and chocolates. Enjoy the school holiday period, and here’s to a great Winter season which begins on Tuesday 26th April.  Register now if you haven’t already! [simnor_button url=”” icon=”pencil” label=”Register Now!” colour=”red” colour_custom=”” size=”small” edge=”rounded” target=”_blank”]  
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Registrations for Winter 2024 must close by the of 16th March

Make sure you registered today to avoid missing out.