Committee Position Descriptions

Committee Position Descriptions

To ensure the future of Montrose Vikings it is important that the club is run effectively and efficiently. As an Association incorporated in the state of Victoria, there are three main roles that MUST be filled which are President, Treasurer and Secretary.  Other roles may be required from time to time to run the Club effectively. Therefore an outline is provided below for each of the key roles.

Position Links


Position Overview

The President sets the overall annual committee agenda (consistent with the views of members), helps the committee prioritise its goals and then keeps the committee on track by working within that overall framework. At the operational level, the major function of the President is to facilitate effective committee meetings.

Essential Job Functions
  • Engage with KMDBA to investigate ways we can work more effectively
  • Ensure the club satisfies all its legal and moral obligations in accordance with the law and its commitment to members
  • Official Signatory for Finances
  • Represent the club at Junior Domestic Committees to address issues relating to conducting a fair competition including amendments to rules, player grading, clearances, fixture changes
  • Is present at Grand Finals (or nominated representative) to call-in the teams as rostered by KMDBA. A scorer for any Montrose Vikings team will need to be assigned by the President.
  • Ensure the planning and budgeting for the future is carried out in accordance with the wishes of the members
  • Oversee the development and successful implementation of the club’s strategic plan
Other Skills/Abilities:
  • Can communicate effectively
  • Is well informed of all organisational activities
  • Is aware of the future directions and plans of members
  • Has a good working knowledge of the constitution, rules and the duties of all office holders and subcommittees
  • Is a supportive leader for all organisations’ members

Vice President

To provide support to the President and in the absence of the President will act on their behalf with their full authority.


Position Overview

Maintain communication with KMDBA at association level in all matters relating to daily operations and ensure this information is distributed accordingly. The secretary is often the first point of contact for people interested in the club who need information or details about activities.

Essential Job Functions
  • Provide support for all committee members and help facilitate communication throughout the club with Parents, Team Managers and Coaches
  • Distribute information as appropriate from KMDBA and provide an effective channel for the club to formally communicate with the association on operational issues pertaining to the competition including other teams, players, coaches, referees, health & safety
  • Investigate and approve clearances to / from the club taking into account their financial position and impact on affected teams
  • Collect and distribute incoming/outgoing mail
  • Communication and public relations – inward/outward
  • Minute regular meetings including AGM and distribute as appropriate
  • Review and approve updates to the Vikings web site
  • Create official letterheads and templates as required
  • Maintain an official directory of Committee Members
  • Review and approve all changes to policies and procedure documentation
  • Maintain a record of all Master copies of official documentation
Other Skills/Abilities:
  • Well organised
  • Task and time efficient
  • Good communicator
  • Competent word processing skills
  • Understanding of office systems and procedures
  • Dedication and loyalty
  • Goal oriented and self-motivated


Position Overview

The Treasurer must be accountable to the Committee and ultimately the Club members for all financial transactions. The constitution normally sets out the financial year for organisations. Most finish their financial year one or two months prior to the annual general meeting (AGM). This allows time to get the accounts in order and have them audited in time for presentation at the AGM.

Essential Job Functions
  • Maintain accurate financial records, integrity of all transactions and pro-actively manage cashflow to ensure the Club’s ongoing viability.
  • Provide a statement of financial position at each committee meeting covering income and expenses to date and projected cashflow.
  • Maintain a list of paid up members
  • Ensure the Club is compliant with all statutory requirements of an incorporated association
  • Collect all incoming funds and arrange payment of creditors
  • Ensure safe keeping of all financial records
  • Official Signatory for Finances
  • Issue receipts and promptly deposit all monies received in the organisation’s bank account
  • Make all approved payments and invoice groups/members promptly
  • Act as the signatory to the organisation’s bank accounts (with at least one other management committee member)
  • Manage the organisation’s cash flow and be accountable for the organisation’s petty cash
Other Skills/Abilities:
  • Honesty and integrity
  • Enthusiasm for the task
  • Good organisational skills
  • A good eye for detail
  • Good at making decisions
  • An ability to work in a logical and orderly manner
  • An ability to allocate regular time periods (eg weekly or monthly) to maintain the books
  • An ability to keep good records
  • An awareness of procedures for handling cash and other financial transactions
  • A willingness to learn new skills

Uniform Officer

Position Overview

Maintain appropriate levels of stock of training tops to cater for new players, as well as coaches bags, and keep an accurate record of inventory, orders placed and funds received.

Essential Job Functions
  • Provide updated inventory reports at regular committee meetings including orders in progress and payments received
  • Responsible for the purchasing and maintenance of stock
  • Place orders on suppliers and arrange payments as required
  • Annual stocktake for audit purposes


Position Overview

Ensure all players are graded appropriately across all teams by working with the grading committee within the club and at the association level.

Essential Job Functions
  • Co-ordinate and facilitate meetings with the Grading Sub Committee to review and discuss the appropriate grade for each player at the commencement of each season
  • Ensure the grading process is concluded in line with the conclusion of designated games fixture
  • Co-ordinate and assist communication with team managers / coaches and parents with changes to team structures as appropriate
  • Communicate resulting changes to the Players Registrar
  • Liaise with KMDBA grading committees during the grading season and participate in their grading process as appropriate

Recruitment Officers

Position Overview

There are four positions required but all have the same function: Girls Recruitment Officer (Miniball to U11), Girls Recruitment Officer (U12 to U21), Boys Recruitment Officer (Miniball to U11), Boys Recruitment Officer (U12 to U18)

Actively promote Montrose Vikings Basketball Club within the local area to encourage new players to join. The role will work towards achieving increased participation across the sport.

Essential Job Functions
  • Arrange advertising as appropriate such as school newsletters and special flyers
  • Maintain records of interested players and parent contact details
  • Work with the other Recruitment Officers, Teams Registrar and Team Managers to determine their requirements and accommodate potential new players
  • Provide initial information packs to parents to help familiarise themselves with the club and our operations
  • Take responsibility for all new player applications, issues and/or complaints raised by members team managers and coaches to ensure they are managed and resolved appropriately
  • Work with Coaches/Team Managers to accommodate new players in the appropriate teams
  • Contact schools and community groups regarding possible promotion opportunities such as fetes, festivals etc
  • Prepare, print and distribute flyers as required
  • Source new avenues for promotion and suggest new strategies

Wellbeing Officer

Position Overview

The Wellbeing Officer is the confidential point of contact for parents and carers who may be currently in financial hardship and may require assistance with fees and uniform costs.

Essential Job Functions:
  • To Facilitate a confidential conversation with any family requiring financial assistance
  • When, and IF required, to communicate with the Sub-committee of President/Secretary/Wellbeing Officer for a decision and action where appropriate via a confidential discussion.


Position Overview

The role of the Webmaster is to maintain the day-to-day functions of the website so that visitors and Vikings may navigate easily to find information.

Essential experience: A background in administration and computers is vital. A working knowledge of both Wordpress, Form creators such as Gravity Forms or WP forms, Elementor Page Builder and other applications is an advantage, but not necessary.

Essential Job Functions:
  • To update & maintain all software and applications within the Wordpress platform to keep the Montrose Vikings website working and relevant.
  • To create new pages, information posts, gallery images and forms each season, or where appropriate.
  • To update the team details in the Fixtures & MVP forms, links to PlayHQ at the beginning of each season.
  • To tally MVP Votes and report at end of season to Committee for planning of Presentation Awards.
  • Creation and maintenance of email addresses for members of committee
  • Update of MVBC Committee Handbook where necessary in relation to the Website and Webhost.
  • Maintain the website with the hosting platform, Micron21.
  • Liaise if necessary with Micron21 to solve any issues with the website.

Fundraising Officer

Position Overview

Provides a central point of contact for fundraising queries and takes the lead on developing opportunities for accessing grants and funding.

Essential Job Functions
  • To identify and target sources of funding for the club
  • Be an excellent communicator with good verbal, written and IT skills
General Committee Members

Objectively debate issues to assist in the decision making process and where possible, share the workload. Responsibilities include;

  • Investigate ways to improve the club and raise new ideas
  • Support the decisions made by the committee
  • Invite parents and players to discuss issues informally so you can provide comment on their behalf
  • Help share the workload by assisting with special events, fundraising etc
  • Have experience and/or an interest in sourcing funding opportunities


Educate, motivate and encourage players to adopt correct techniques and to work as effective members of a team. Responsibilities include;

  • Be aware and adhere to the recommended code of conduct for coaches
  • Invest time in gaining a better understanding of the game, planning training sessions and how to develop players skills / techniques
  • Work with the grading committee to ensure players are given the best opportunity to succeed
  • Develop their own knowledge of the game and coaching techniques based on accredited training materials
  • Setting the right example for players on and off the court
  • Educating players in the values of being a true sportsman
  • Be fair in the treatment of all players at all times
  • Conforming to all club policies on young children in sport
  • Attending coaching courses
  • Observing player’s performances to determine the level of instruction required
  • Teaching techniques for players to acquire additional skills or improve existing skills

Team Manager

Liaise with parents, players and coaches and distribute information effectively to help co- ordinate training and games. Responsibilities include;

  • Maintaining an accurate record of players / parent contact details and ensure they are registered with KMDBA
  • Be aware of changes to game fixtures and advise players, parents and the coach promptly
  • Collect game fees for each player and complete the team sheet details and pay prior to each game
  • Be vigilant with respect to children in your care at training and during games
  • Liaising with all team members, coaches and officials to ensure the needs of players are met and team members, coaches and officials are appropriately dressed, disciplined and informed of schedules, especially for training, competition and official functions
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